All functions |
Creates message string for reporting during procedures |
Formats time difference as X days HH:MM:SS |
Add disambr attribures to focal set from template set and update some of them |
Subsets WoS authors table with Researcher IDs |
Get first data set in list sets |
Gets last set in sets which strength less or equal than 0.5 |
Gets last set from sets with strength <= 0.5 and excludes from this set all sets with strength of 1 |
Gets last set in sets which strength less or equal than 0.5 |
Gets output set from sets (in case we already made it) |
Get sets with strength parameter of 1 and rbind them into single set |
Get sets with strength parameter of 10 (ground thruth) |
Checks if sets with certain attribures are present |
Makes citations table by matching first author - year keys. This, of course, can produce false positives matched |
Parses all WoS field related to authors and makes author table |
Make set of publications |
Make references table from WoS tsv data |
Make a set of matched authors that share co-authors |
Make a set of matched authors bases on the cases when one author cites the others paper. |
Make a set of matched authors based on cases when one author cites others self citation. Self-citations here are detected based on DOI. |
Makes set of authors with number of keywords in their papers in common |
Make set of authors that have number of references in common |
Makes set of matched authors based on same affiliation |
Makes set of matched authors bases on same email addresses |
For testing. Makes so called ground truth set based on same research IDs |
Makes set of similar authors based on their initials |
Makes set of similar authors based on their last names |
Report a message with message() |
Post a starting message for disambr procedure. Records time started in |
Post a starting message for disambr procedure. Records time started in |
Reads the data for disambiguation |
Reads file based on file extention |
Reads last output set saved on disk |
Read tsv file |
Reads WoS tsv export file and makes disambr set out of it (just adding some attributes to the data.table) |
Save set and adds file attribute |
Adds attribures to the set with data.table::setattr |
Makes sets of co-authors assuming that all authors on paper are different person. |
Make a statistics for a collection of sets (specific algorithm) and writes to the file in |
Makes comparative table with statistics |
Report a message with stop() |
Filters list of sets |
Report a message with warning() |
Parses AF (author full name) column of WoS saved records export |
Parses AU column of WoS saved records export |
Parses C1 (author adress/affiliation) column of WoS saved records export |
Parses WoS CR (Cited References) record into separate talbe |
Parses EM (email) column of WoS saved records export |
Parses OI column of WoS saved records export |
Parses RI column of WoS saved records export |
Parses RP (reprint author) column of WoS saved records export |
Extention extractor. Same as tools::file_ext but for NULL input returns NULL instead of logical(0). |
Returns the index of element in upper triangle of squared |
Fuzzy match all combinations of character vector |
Returns vector of file paths from path(s) recursively |
Reads file as UTF-8, convert it if other encoding is deteted |
Fixed end of line characters in wierd text |
Stops process unless cond is true |