Reads file file_name available from file_url and makes .rds for it for futher reuse
file_name = NULL,
dir_map = get_dir_map(),
read_as_ext = c(csv = "txt"),
file_url_globs_expantion = TRUE,
copy_local_files = FALSE
Files location. Can be a url link (should start with https) or path to archive file (zip or rar)
Name of the file. If omited the base name of file_url
is used
Where to put the file. Mapping between destination directories and file's extention.
Named character vertor that specifies how to read different file extentions. Names are supported methods ('csv', 'tsv', 'dta'), values are file expentions that should be processed with these methods.
Whether to expand (expect) globs in file_url. If so (default) then try expand url with 'Sys.glob'
Whether to copy locally available file_url
to dir specified by dir_map
path to rds file