Reads or makes .rds if file is not available and loads the object into memory.
rds_dir = "data/rds",
rds_dir_ensure = TRUE,
file_name_sufix = character(0),
file_name_sufix_var = NULL,
file_name_sufix_sep = ".",
file_name_extention = "rds",
name_has_extention = FALSE,
rds_compress = FALSE,
return_name = FALSE,
do_not_make = FALSE,
do_not_save = FALSE,
quietly = FALSE,
assign_to_name = FALSE
Name of file or object
How to construct the object if it is not on disk
Directory where to look for or save to .rds. Default is "data/rds"
Make rds_dir
direcory if it does not exist
e.g., date or version.
Either "date" or "time" for current date and time or NULL (default)
Default is "."
Default is ".rds"
Default is FALSE
Default is FALSE. It is faster to read and write if rds is not compressed.
Default is FALSE
Default is FALSE
Default is FALSE
Default is FALSE
Default is FALSE
Returns the object or name of the obj (if return_name is TRUE).