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Does nothing but stores (as its own default arguments) options that control vector handeling through standardization process. These options are available in most nstandr functions that accept ... parameter.

  • procedure_index - replace 'procedure_index' with a number of current standardization procedure is in the list of procedures

  • procedure_name - replace 'procedure_name' with name of current standardization procedure

  • _procedure_index - replace 'procedure_index' with a number of current standardization procedure is in the list of procedures, prefixed with ''

  • procedure_name - replace 'procedure_name' with name of current standardization procedure, prefixed with ''

  • _col_name - replace 'col_name' with the name of 'col' argument (i.e., col with input value), prefixed with ''

  • col_name_ - replace 'col_name_' with the name of 'col' argument (i.e., col with input value), suffixed with '_'

  • col_name - replace 'col_name' with the name of 'col' argument (i.e., col with input value)

  • _index_suffix - Adds unique suffix (increment index) if the column name already exist. E.g. the following format 'col_name_index_suffix' for names(x) = c('V', 'V_9', 'V_41') and col = 2 (i.e. col_name = 'V_9' in this example) would result in a new column named 'V_42'


  col = 1,
  rows = NULL,
  omitted_rows_value = NULL,
  output_placement = "replace_col",
  x_atomic_name = "x",
  output_col_name = "std{_col_name}",
  append_output_copy = FALSE,
  output_copy_col_name = "std{_col_name}_copy{_procedure_index}{_procedure_name}"



Column of interest (the one we need to standardize) in the x object (if it is data.frame like).


Logical vector to filter records of interest. Default is NULL which means do not filter records.


If rows parameter is set then merge omitted_rows_value with the results (filtered by rows). Either single string or a character vector of length nrow(x). If NULL (the default) then original values of col are merged with results.


Where to inset retults (standardized vector) in the x object. Default options is 'replace_col' which overwrides the col in x with results. Other options:

  • 'omit' :: do not write results back to table (usually used when append_output_copy is set for temporary values)

  • 'prepend_to_col' :: prepend to col

  • 'append_to_col' :: append to col

  • 'prepend_to_x' :: prepend to x data.frame like object

  • 'append_to_x' :: append to x data.frame like object


If x is vector use this name for original column if it is in results. Default is "x". If x is table the name of col will be used.


Use this name for the column with results (standardized values). Parts in curly brakeds are substitute strings. Options for substitutions are:


Whether to append a copy of result vector to x object


How the append copy wiil be named


It does nothing. Returns NULL silently.